Ethiopia | Brighter Green


Despite a modern history of deadly droughts, famine, near-famine, and persistent poverty, Ethiopia is home to Africa’s largest livestock population, and is Africa’s top livestock producer and exporter (principally to the Middle East). The livestock sector represents about one-fifth of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP), and the Ethiopian government has indicated a strong interest in increased foreign investment in the agriculture sector, specifically cash crops and horticulture, along with commercial breeding and production of meat, milk, and eggs.

Although domestic demand for animal products in Ethiopia is increasing—driven by the urban middle-and upper-class—export potential is a key force encouraging expansion and intensification of livestock production. But twenty-five years after a debilitating famine that drew the world’s shocked attention, food security for Ethiopia remains stubbornly elusive. As much as one-tenth of Ethiopia’s population remains dependent on food aid, year in and year out, regardless of drought or other crises. Even as the need for enhanced domestic food production grows, Ethiopia is vulnerable to climate shocks. The effects already can be seen, perhaps most spectacularly and devastatingly, in the increased frequency of drought.

Climate, Food Security, & Growth: Ethiopia’s Complex Relationship with Livestock (PDF) explores whether Ethiopia can industrialize its livestock sector, primarily to serve export markets, without forestalling or derailing development prospects for its people and the 150–170 million Ethiopians expected to be alive in 2050. Is such a path viable when large numbers of Ethiopians already scramble to gain access to good soils, grazing land, and water; food security is a huge national challenge; and the effects of climate change are increasingly felt?

Below is a full-length policy paper, a two-page policy brief based on the paper, and a short documentary video outlining the key issues covered in the policy paper. Materials in Amharic, including a video and policy brief, are also available.

Climate, Food Security, & Growth: Ethiopia’s Complex Relationship with Livestock By Mia MacDonald and Justine Simon, Brighter Green

Ethiopia Case Study
Ethiopia Research Brief

Ethiopia’s Booming Livestock Sector (updated version)

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የፖሊሲው አጭር መግለጫና ምስል በአማርኛ ከዚህ በታች ይገኛል
Amharic Research Brief
አጭር የፖሊሲ መግለጫ ቁጥር

የኢትዮጵያ የከብት ኃብት ልማትና የተጋፈጠው ውስብስብ ፈተና

ለሙሉ ዕይታ እዚህ ይጫኑ