Bonn June 2019

Brighter Green has collaborated with our colleagues at the Global Forest Coalition (GFC) and the Friends of the Siberian Forests (FSF) on a side event at this year’s Bonn Climate Change Conference (SBSTA 50 Bonn). The conference is running from June 17-27, 2019 in Bonn, Germany.

The side event is called “Driving Deforestation: drifting away from real solutions to address the climate crisis.” It took place on Monday June 17th from 15:00-16:00 in the Kaminzimmer Room. This side event discussed local perspectives and experiences of the impacts of some of the commodities that are the main drivers of deforestation, and how perverse incentives for two highly polluting sectors, industrial livestock production and bioenergy generation, drive these impacts. It also looked at alternatives to these industrial production models, such as agroecology and community-led forest restoration. The side event covered the key elements of the debate around Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, which could lead to more deforestation through market-based, false solutions to climate change.

Speakers included (from left to right):

  • Dil Raj Khanal, The Federation of Community Forestry Users Nepal/FECOFUN
  • Peg Putt, Environmental Paper Network International Biomass Working Group (Australia)
  • Isis Alvarez, Global Forest Coalition (Colombia)
  • Erin Biehl, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (USA)
  • Souparna Lahiri, Global Forest Coalition (India)