In addition to the larger documentary work produced by Brighter Green’s China Program, some shorter videos have been made to highlight, often in fun and engaging ways, the importance of green living and eating sustainably.
In September 2017, Brighter Green partnered with GRACE Communications Foundation to translate GRACE’s award-winning animated short film, The Meatrix®: Relaunched. When it premiered in 2003, the original Meatrix film attracted worldwide attention and became an easily digestible tool for the sustainable food movement. The film is a spoof of the famous film series, The Matrix, and explores dramatic shifts in US agriculture from small farms to vast animal factories.
Several sequels and numerous translations have been created since the original animation, including the tenth-anniversary call to action, The Meatrix®: Relaunched. Given China’s importance and influence on the global food system, as well as the changes in video technology, internet use and viral videos since 2003, a project to reach varied audiences in China seemed timely. Follow the link above for more information and to access the translated film.
To celebrate and encourage more environmentally sustainable, climate-friendly, and compassionate Chinese New Year celebrations in 2016, the “What’s For Dinner?” WeChat team and Brighter Green came together to create a video encouraging people to eat and live sustainably in their celebrations. You can find it here!