New Published Works by Brighter Green

New Published Works by Brighter Green

Since our last update Brighter Green Executive Director Mia MacDonald recently published two important works.

The most recent is a book chapter called, “Maximum Plunder: The Global Context and Multiple Threats of Animal Agriculture,” featured in the recently published second edition of Ecofeminism: Feminist Intersections with Other Animals and the Earth. The chapter on climate change is new to the second edition and provides an overview of the global climate crisis from an ecofeminist perspective. The book draws on fields as diverse as animal studies, environmental studies, feminist/gender studies, and practical ethics.

Pick up your copy of Ecofeminism now.

Mia MacDonald also published an essay in the Health and Human Rights Journal, published by Harvard University. This essay argues that the global response to COVID-19 should lead to new thinking and action and a new relationship with the nonhuman world that is centered on mutuality and respect, not commodification and exploitation.

Read the essay in Health and Human Rights.