Op-ed on the Mass Depopulation of Farmed Animals

Op-ed on the Mass Depopulation of Farmed Animals

Executive Director, Mia MacDonald, and Dr. Jennifer Molidor, Senior Food Campaigner at the Center for Biological Diversity, have written an op-ed together called “Gassed, Shot and Suffocated” in Medium. It is about how the meat monopoly is killing animals, people and the planet. The Center for Biological Diversity and the Natural Resources Defense Council just filed a petition with the U.S. Department of Agriculture calling for it to provide environmental oversight and information vital to public health. A shift towards diversified, decentralized and shorter meat supply-chains would help fix this part of a broken food system and put Americans’ best interests back on the table. More immediately, Americans shifting to plant-forward ways of eating would also serve to break the meat industry’s grip on public policy and its super-sized appetite for power.