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Brighter Green at the National Conference to End Factory Farming: For Health, Environment, and Farm Animals

…of backgrounds, including authoritative presenters such as Executive Director of Food and Water Watch Wenonah Hauter, Whole Foods CEO John Mackey, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine director of government affairs…

International Women’s Day Celebration

Brighter Green is on the host committee of this special event celebrating International Women’s Day. For International Women’s Day 2012, Oxfam Action Corps NYC will be recognizing the contributions of…

State of the World 2012: Moving Toward Sustainable Prosperity

…a chapter to this year’s State of the World report. Moving Toward Sustainable Prosperity is the latest publication in the Worldwatch Institute’s flagship State of the World series, which remains…

Jian Yi to Screen What’s For Dinner? Sequel at NYU Shanghai

…Shanghai will act as a wealth of research information as members collect, analyze, and report various environmental findings throughout the city. By setting an example for students, teachers, and residents,…

Mia MacDonald speaks at the Seed Experience in N.Y.C.

…Climate Change & Animal Agriculture 3:00 PM South Room Mia MacDonald’s talk will use facts, images, and documentary video to provide fascinating and compelling evidence of how animal agriculture is…

Brighter Green Workshop at the Climate Convergence

…Cruelty Free NYC and the NYC Lushan Society. She is committed to sharing all things wonderful about veggies and enjoys cooking, reading, and running. Based in New York, Brighter Green…

The Local Food Movement in Kenya

While the local food movement is growing in the U.S., Europe and even Japan (where Community Supported Agriculture – CSA – was invented), we don’t hear much about similar movements…

40 Billion and Counting (Back, That Is)

…bags. You know the kind. You hardly get your purchase home and they’ve split or the handle’s come off. Most end up in landfills or city streets or tree branches…

South African Premiere of “What’s For Dinner?” in Cape Town

Labia Theatre

…Brockhoven of Beauty Without Cruelty for helping with promotion and providing free Fry’s vegan tasters; Louise van der Merwe of Compassion in World Farming for facilitating a screening venue; and…

Biltong and Drought in KwaZulu-Natal (Part III)

…prevalence of meat. From Zulus to Afrikaaners to tourists, meat plays a big role in the diets of many South African communities. Even though the country’s per capita meat consumption…