Brighter Green is pleased to announce the release of a new policy paper exploring the growth of industrial dairy systems in India, China, and countries of Southeast Asia. This paper, Beyond the Pail: The Emergence of Industrialized Dairy… Read More
Beyond the Pail: The Emergence of Industrialized Dairy Systems in Asia, explores the trend toward increased dairy consumption and production and argues that the growth of industrial systems results in severe consequences for the environment, public health, animal… Read More
The current globalized food system threatens vital resources, but governments can promote sustainable policies to feed humanity. In collaboration with the Worldwatch Institute.
Ethical vegetarianism has a several thousand-year history in India, and vegetables, legumes, and grains lie at the center of the country’s varied regional cuisines. But more than half of India’s 1.17 billion people now consider themselves omnivores. It… Read More
Brighter Green publishes its Spring 2011 newsletter.
Only two generations after a devastating national famine, is eating increasingly high on the food chain. In the past ten years, consumption of China’s most popular meat, pork, has doubled. In 2007, China raised well over half a… Read More
Despite a modern history of deadly droughts, famine, near-famine, and persistent poverty, Ethiopia is home to Africa’s largest livestock population, and is Africa’s top livestock producer and exporter (principally to the Middle East). The livestock sector represents about… Read More
Ethical vegetarianism has a several thousand-year history in India, and vegetables, legumes, and grains lie at the center of the country’s varied regional cuisines. But more than half of India’s 1.17 billion people now consider themselves omnivores. It… Read More
Brazil leads the world in exports of beef and veal as well as poultry. It is also a leading global supplier of soybeans, an integral component of farmed animal feed. Brazil’s expanding livestock sector is intimately linked with… Read More