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Engaging Academics to Counter the Growth of Factory Farming in Africa

…systems discourse and action in sub-Saharan African countries and in relevant Africa-wide policy processes. Throughout the course of this project, we compiled existing, relevant research, identified research gaps and develop…

Antibiotics in Pig Farming: How We Poisoned Ourselves

…muscle rather than fat. But in addition to being directly consumed, chemical residues from the livestock industry can affect our health via more diverse and complicated pathways. We know that…

Chronic Disease, Changing Diets and Sustainability

…less healthy, less sustainable, and less equitable. Five country case studies (Brazil, China, Mexico, South Africa, India) provide cautionary examples of how an increase in non-communicable diseases almost always accompanies…

Animals Climate Health Webinar Series

…animal studies, animal ethics, animal politics, animal law, environmental studies, environmental law, migration studies, as well as climate law/studies. The sessions are free and will take place over Zoom. Executive…

Preventing Pandemics & Enabling Equity: Panel on April 13th@CUGH Global Health Conference

…(video statement) Dr. Chadia Wannous, World Organisation for Animal Health (video statement) Dr. Daniela Battaglia, Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations Dr. Catherine Machalaba, One Health High-Level Expert…

What’s For Dinner? Documentary

…they really want to? WHAT’S FOR DINNER? explores these issues through the medium of film. To complement the film, Brighter Green has created a supplemental viewing guide to facilitate screenings…

WHAT’S FOR DINNER? Documentary

…they really want to? WHAT’S FOR DINNER? explores these issues through the medium of film. To complement the film, Brighter Green has created a supplemental viewing guide to facilitate screenings…

Reflecting on Nobel Peace Prizes

…in their soils. As these forests are felled for timber, agriculture, human settlements or commercial development, the world loses a vital component needed to slow, and ultimately reverse, global warming….

Animal Farming and Planet Health at COP21

…published on Among a dozen comments, more than half supported the idea of eating less meat. Examples include: “This is not a joke. It is actually the same as…

COP21 Live Dialogue: Engaging the General Public on WeChat

…also reflected in the comments under “COP21 Side Events Call for Less Meat Consumption and Less Emissions”, an article by Ling Wang and published on Among a dozen comments,…