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Engaging Academics to Counter the Growth of Factory Farming in Africa

…in diverse fields. Though we found limited academic research specifically on the impact of factory farming in Africa, we did encounter extensive adjacent research on related issues. These include the…

September 2022 Newsletter: Supporting Planetary Health, Justice, and Food Policy for the Climate Emergency

…and the environment and navigate the landscapes of power and influence in which policies are shaped. Students are also engaging in and testing varied facets of policy analysis and advocacy,…

The Global Climate Crisis & Animal Agriculture: Doha and Beyond

…on farming and food production). That’s a real shame, since the costs of continuing business as usual are staggeringly high. The animal agriculture sector, which raised more than 70 billion…

The Fight Over Access to Food

Flash points over food are getting more common. In the last week or so, protests over food prices and availability have roiled Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Indonesia, Egypt and now Haiti,…

Animals and War

…will come and I’ll get none.” It’s a complex calculus: (dead) elephants as war currency; (live) elephants as a liability to peace. Elephants, and people, under intense pressure. More battles,…

Panel on Global Equity and Animal Agriculture

high on policy agendas for climate change, food security, equity, and animal welfare, but so far, the topic has been marginal in most of these arenas. This lack of attention…

Selling of Brooklyn Bridge Park

example of how the seemingly good intention of creating “parks that pay for themselves” is leading to the actual demise of public parks, The prospect of increasing commercialization of NYC…

China: Skillful Means

Only two generations after a devastating national famine, is eating increasingly high on the food chain. In the past ten years, consumption of China’s most popular meat, pork, has doubled….

Policy Brief #1: Skillful Means

Only two generations after a devastating national famine, is eating increasingly high on the food chain. In the past ten years, consumption of China’s most popular meat, pork, has doubled….

NYC Foodprint Resolution

…the WorldWatch Institute, this figure may be as high as 51%. In New York, politicians have started to embrace these issues. Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer has come forward with…